Rekonstrukcija uništenog mosta pored naselja Goričan na nasipu Trnave počinje u proljeće 2020. i trajati će 2 do 3 mjeseca dok novi most ne bude ponovo u funkciji.
Prema informacijama Turističke zajednice Međimurske županije most prikazan na fotografiji je zaista uništen krajem 2019. godine i trebao bi biti zamijenjen izgradnjom novog mosta prije ljeta 2020. (u nadležnosti Hrvatskih voda). Iako je vremensko razdoblje do zamjene srušenog mosta novim razmjerno kratko, biciklistima (cikloturistima) sugeriramo koristiti zaobilazni smjer kretanja kroz naselje Goričan (označen znakovima “obilazak”), oko 4 kilometara duži od originalnog pravca trasom EuroVelo 13 rute, no u cjelosti asfaltiran i niskog intenziteta motornog prometa na lokalnim cestama, te prikladan za vođenje biciklista.
Jedna od poznatih turističkih atrakcija Međimurja – Memorijalni centar i rodna kuća dr. Rudolfa Steinera (GPS koordinate: LAT 46.366328, LON 16.648923) je na samo 3 kilometara udaljenosti od Goričana u naselju Donji Kraljevec.
Photo: ECF Office
EuroVelo 13 route
Construction of demolished bridge near Goričan settlement on Trnava embankment starts in spring 2020 and will last 2 to 3 months until the new bridge is operational.
According to the information from the Tourist Board of Međimurje County the bridge on the photo hereabove is demolished at the end of 2019 and should be replaced with a new bridge before summer 2020 (under the jurisdiction of Croatian waters). Although the period before the replacement of the bridge is rather short, we suggest the cyclists to use a temporary detour through the village of Goričan marked with detour signs. This detour is 4 kilometers longer than original EuroVelo 13 route, but it is completely asphalted and with low traffic intensity therefore suitable for cyclists.
One of the quite famous tourist attractions of Međimurje region – the Memorial center and birth house of dr. Rudolf Steiner (GPS coordinates: LAT 46.366328, LON 16.648923) is only 3 kilometers away from Goričan in the village of Donji Kraljevec.
More information on: Visit Međimurje and/or Međimurje Bike